Machine Learning Meetups Bratislava: 3D Reconstruction in Wild

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Machine Learning Meetups Bratislava: 3D Reconstruction in Wild

V októbrovom Machine Learning Meetupe v Bratislave si posvietime na ďalšiu zo zaujímavých tém z oblasti computer vision. Martin Bujnák príde porozprávať o 3D modelovaní z fotografii a scanov v talku s názvom '3D Reconstruction in Wild'.

V prezentácii Martin pokryje detaily technológie špeciálneho fotogametrického nástroja - Reality Capture - a použitie tohto toolu a jeho SDK na rozšírenie pipeliny pre lepšie výsledky v 3D rekonštrukcii pre spoľahlivejšie výsledky.

Martin Bujnák pracuje na nových prístupoch v 3D modelovaní z fotografii a laser scanov. Martin má za sebou Ph.D. v computer vision z Center for Machine Perception z CTU a background v computer graphics a paralell computation. Skúsenosti má aj z firiem ako Micrsoft live labs and Xbox.

Jazyk prezentácie bude prispôsobený publiku (SK alebo EN), tešiť sa môžte opäť na diskusiu, zaujímavé novinky a networking v spoočnosti skvelého osadensva.

Viac info o talku a prednášajúcom nájdete na našom webe

Tešíme sa na vás aj v októbri!


October's Machine Learning Meetup in Bratislava will look into another intriguing topic from computer vision bucket. In October we will have Martin Bujnák coming to tell us more about 3D modelling from photography and laser scans in his talk '3D Reconstruction in Wild'.

The talk will cover technology behind and use of a specific photogrammetry tool, Reality Capture, and the use of that tool’s new SDK to extend the pipeline for better results. While it might look magical, there are still many opened questions and opened problems to solve.

Martin Bujnak co-founded Capturing Reality which revolutionized process of 3D model creation from photos and laser scans.
He received his Ph.D. in computer vision from Center for Machine Perception in 2012 and has background in computer graphics and parallel computation. He gained development skills in Caligary, Micrsoft live labs and Xbox.

Language of the presentation will be adjusted accorgint to the audience (SK or EN) and you can again look forward to lively discussion, news from ML world and networking with awesome folks after the meetup.

You can find more information about the MLMU and upcoming meetup on our website

Looking forward to seeing you in October!

MLMU BA team

Miesto konania podujatia: SATORI STAGE, Mickiewiczova 9, Bratislava
Dátum začiatku podujatia: 18. Októbra 2017 19:00
Dátum ukončenia podujatia: 18. Októbra 2017 22:00
Pravdepodobné súradnice: 48.1501N 17.1157E

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Meno organizátora: MLMU Bratislava
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