Scott & Zelda w. Nekosené Lúky

Podujatie Bratislava

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Kam v Bratislave, Koncerty
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Scott & Zelda
Kapela vznikla v krutej zime 2013 a čoskoro vydala svoje debutové EP-čko aj s klipom k piesni Anna. S touto piesňou vyhrali aj dve kola demovnice_FM. Následne absolvovali množstvo koncertov na Slovensku a v Čechách a začiatkom roka 2015 vydali svoj debutový eponymný album.

en: The band originated in the winter of 2013 and soon released her debut EP as well as Anna's song clip. With this song they also won two demo_FM wheels. Subsequently, they performed many concerts in Slovakia and Bohemia and in the beginning of 2015 they released their debut eponymous album.

Nekosené lúky
Energické trio, ktoré spája tóny rôznych žánrov.

en: An energetic trio that combines the tones of different genres.

Start: 20:00 / Klub open: 17:00
Predpredaj / Presale:
ENTRY : 3 Eur

Na mieste / At the gate:
ENTRY : 3 Eur
Predpredaj lístkov prostredníctvom Tootoot
Presale tickets by Tootoot:

Rezervácia miesta / Rezervations of table: +421 948 148 948
Meno organizátora: FLAME Production
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