DEAF RADIO (gre) 2017

Podujatie Skalica


DEAF RADIO (GRE) - stoner rock

Divoké kvarteto z gréckych Atén hrajúce tvrdý stoner rock - "inšpirovaní undergroundovou hudobnou scénou". Ich debotvý album - ALARM - im vyšiel tento rok v januári. Systém Kyuss, QOTSA.

Deaf Radio is a guitar based desert/heavy rock band from Athens, Greece, formed in 2015. On January 2017 the band releases their debut album “Alarm” on vinyl, which attracts the attention of the music industry, gains extremely favourable critics from everywhere in the world and within only three months the first copy gets sold-out. The album is characterized as a “masterpiece” while the release gig that follows in Athens is performed in front of an ecstatic sell-out crowd.
The recognition of “Alarm” as one of the greatest albums of the Greek music scene was for the band the ticket to Ejekt Festival 2017, where they shared the stage with The Killers, The Kills and Circa Waves in a performance marked as remarkably successful.
Having introduced themselves during the summer of 2016 by participating in a series of well-known festivals around Greece with bands such as 1000mods, Nightstalker and Planet of Zeus, Deaf Radio started releasing the first singles of “Alarm” with highlight the video clip of “Anytime” that was presented at the “Silver Screenings Section” of Berlin Music Video Awards.
Their sound is defined by heavy guitar riffs and massive drum beats that blend together with characteristic vocal melodies, creating in this way an explosive and once dark-almost pagan atmosphere. Their lyrics are overwhelmed with existential and sometimes dystopian thoughts bringing to surface their inner worries and concerns.

16/9 - 20:00 - U Čambalu

Miesto konania podujatia: U Čambalu, Škarniclovská 30, Skalica
Dátum začiatku podujatia: 16. Septembra 2017 20:00
Dátum ukončenia podujatia: 16. Septembra 2017 23:00
Pravdepodobné súradnice: 48.8483N 17.2271E

Prípadné zmeny si preverte na webe podujatia DEAF RADIO (gre)

Meno organizátora: Psychosmics
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